Things my kids shouldn’t be doing….

Posted: June 6, 2009 in blessed with twins, daniel and melissa, Life, life with twins
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Just a small collection of my kids “caught in the act”.  They are really into the anti-confinement movement.  The baby jail’s day are numbered. They want to run free…..and they can, just as soon as their leashes arrive….

and I couldn’t help but campture these little gems on camera…

yeah....they are little Houdinis

yeah....they are little Houdinis



Hoping for a dry day.  We are back to Mom and Dad’s for a cookout this afternoon.  Hopefully, this will tucker the monsters out.  Oh, did I mention….THEY SLEPT ALL NIGHT….WITHOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT BOTTLE!  This is a first.  And considering they are almost 20 months old, it’s about friggin’ time!


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  1. Helene says:

    Believe it or not, you will look back at these pictures someday and laugh hysterically! Why must they still look adorable even when they’re doing something mischievous?!

    Good to hear they slept through the night…hope that becomes a regular thing!

  2. Ahhh, I feel your pain. My twin boys are 25 months old and it is an adventure!

    They are adorable btw!

  3. YAY for sleeping through the night! Way to go little monsters! Those days of them getting into EVERYTHING are crazy! I remember and I only had one at a time doing it. You’re outnumbered! Just try to laugh and hopefully they’ll tire themselves out so much from being naughty and sleep HARD every night.

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