Posts Tagged ‘Walmart negligence’

Well, yesterday was just peachy.  I got a ton of stuff accomplished outside of the house, although the inside of the house looks like a FEMA response area.

We (me and the monsters) got up and went to home depot….we got a new ceiling fan for mom and dad’s bedroom as the existing fan is just about the biggest fire hazard in the world.  So…from there, we made the 12 mile drive and dropped the fan off at the house.

I must have been feeling very brave or something….but we went to super wal.mart.  I loaded the kids in to one cart, which I never do and went in to the foyer.  The only “double cart” they had not only was missing a strap, it had a broke connector on the waist band too.  So, being the B*ITCH that I am, I complained to the store manager.  I advised that IF my child fell out of the seat and got hurt, I would sue the crap of of walmart and her, since I had brought the poor conditions of the cart to her attention.  She advised that they had “ordered” new straps and that they should be arriving any time.  Apparently, they do safety audits (cough cough bull*hit)…… Anyway, I got to vent and chew up at 20 some year old manager…which my hubby knows is my favorite thing to do.

I was the Queen of Retail…..I was a Manager.  If you can handle me, you can handle everything.  Because if the mood strikes I will pick you, your product, your service, your food, your attitude, your family, and your car apart.  I am the kind of person that can find a regional manager’s home phone number and call them in the middle of the night to tell him all about what a horrible experience I had in your store and how I may be left with nothing to do but contact the media.

Yeah….I’m a B*ITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

So, After we got home, the kids went down for a nap…and shhhhh….don’t tell… did I.

I had my first live yoga class last night.  I was the youngest person there by at least 15 years.  It wasn’t as advanced as I thought it would be and I realized that I am more flexible than most people.  How cool is that??? So I have 4 more Friday Night dates with the yoga gang,  There was a lot of breathing and meditation but I would have liked more stretching…..oh well….that is what Namaste Yoga is for…I did feel great when I got home.

I want to try to get to the gym today and also over to Trader Joes…..they lave langostino lobsters on sale…..Yummmo!