Archive for the ‘spitup’ Category

and it is raining. Yuck. I can’t tell you how much that I hate rain.
Maybe it is because of my hair. I have”naturally curly” hair which tends to “naturally frizz” in the rain. Maybe it is because our dogs refuse to do their business in the backyard when it is raining. Maybe it is because we have such poor draining in the driveway that we are bound to end up with muddy feet while putting the car seats in the car. I hate rain and we have had way to much of it this year.

Three of us are up right now. The kids are in the next room on “auto pilot” (boppy + bottle genie = auto pilot). I have yet to make coffee although, I could really use a cup right now. Daniel is dressed and Melissa will be after I burp her. I have learned that if I am just patient, I will have far less laundry to do. You see, Melissa has a tendency to “power belch” and something like the scene from the exorcist happens. Yes, my daughter is Linda Blair.

Anyway, we are all going to dress alike this morning. Right towards the end of the summer, we got a flyer in the mail from Alumni Originals and we had two sweatshirts and two onesis made up with our last name on it. I figured, the kids have worn their onesies just once and should wear them again before they outgrow them. Besides, how cute would we be all dressed the same? OK, stop vomiting………but yes, I will post pictures.

I must go and burp the littlest exorcist now….


and my babies are 5 months old today!!!