{{es|Chile poblano, una variedad de Capsicum a...
Image via Wikipedia

yeah, so despite going to the park yesterday to tucker the kids out, they woke up at 12:30 and then at 1 am for no real good reason.  Then, they decided that it was the perfect time to run and play…until 3 am.  Then poof! back to bed without a fuss.

I’m wiped.  I just cleaned bathrooms at Mom and Dad‘s house, and mopped the kitchen floor with my little “helpers”.  At least my parents will get to come home to clean house, that is more than my hubby can say most days.

And way back when, we started a garden…..well, what managed to survive is doing great.  We are going to have a TON of tomatos.  And we have several nice poblano peppers growing and even a few anaheim peppers (it was a mystery plant that I bought).  The peppers were started a little when we got them, so I am not going to take too much credit for them….but the roma tomatos were started as seeds on my kitchen windowsill.  And they are going nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can’t wait to try them.  There are going to be a lot of mexican food being cooked around here…….

I wii fit -ed for 40 minutes last night…..but alas, today….I just don’t have the energy……could it be lack of sleep?

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  1. pillarr1 says:

    Yes, you don’t have the energy to Wii because of lack of sleep. I truly underestimated how important sleep was until I had a child. I am sitting here typing and keeping an eye on Rachel – she refused to go to sleep. I am at my in-laws house and I just want to sleep! I bet those tomatoes are really good. I like to put cream cheese on an English muffin and sliced tomatoes on top with a little salt and pepper. Maybe a dab of olive oil too. Enjoy your food and pray for a good night sleep!

  2. I love pablano peppers, they are my absolute favorite green pepper, they are not too hot, not to mild, just a nice medium warm pepper to spice things up a bit.
    My kids get wild too, sometimes. LOL. They won’t always sleep when I really need them to, for my own sanity. We Mamas just have to deal sometimes even when the kids don’t want to cooperate. They are so precious but, oh, so naughty… I feel your pain, trying to sit up at 2:00 AM with your little ones bouncing off the walls. I hope you get some sleep soon. Sometimes I nap when my kids take their afternoon siesta.

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