Posts Tagged ‘mommy market’

So the kids did great on their walk  and trip to the park yesterday.  And they did even better with our trip to Old.Country.Buffet. (where I stuffed myself….really….pigged the heck out).

But this morning, well….there was corn.  Daniel and Melissa  both ate corn and peas and carrots and chocolate…but the only thing I could identfiy was the corn…..

It just made me chuckle…..”there will be corn”…….

The kids had a nice time.  I had a nice time.  Not too sure about hubby.  He got kind of weird….there were lots of kids running wild…and he is EXTREMELY protective.

I also made out like a bandit at the Mommy Market.  Well, Melissa made out better than I did, but I managed to snag a new Eddie Bauer diaper bag back pack for $4!  Wahoo me!

But alas, I received some horrible news last night.  You see, I am originally from Buffalo NY.  I have lived around the Philadelphia area most of my life, but certain loyalties stay in your hometown.  Well, the most despised Terrell Owens is now a Buffalo Bill.  BLLLLLEEEECCCCCCHHHHHH!  How can I ever cheer for them again?  My family is devastated…..and I am just going to be sick……..

The hubby has been wonderful all weekend.  He got up with the kids yesterday and fed them while I went to Mommy Market.  He played with them most of the day, he helped feed them dinner last night, helped to put them to bed….it was like we were actually a team.

His reward:  a nap on the couch yesterday and a trip out to have a “couple beers” at the firehouse.  I don’t mind at all.   The kids are playing in jail and I have a few minutes to write.  All in all, it has been a great weekend.

Sigh…..but Monday is going to be here before you know it……

oh…if anyone is in the market for a new SD card for their digital camera….office max has a great sale going on

I might just pick up an extra and have a giveaway…….

Who knows……

Stay tuned!

The trip to the gym was great!  The kids did great…except for Melissa bonking Daniel in the head with a toy.  But that is kind of par for the course.

Yoga last night was great too.  I felt great when I got home.  The hubby had fed and bathed and bedded the kids.  Wow!  What a great surprise!

This morning, I got up and went to a Mommy Market and the hubby got the kids up and fed and changed them and was playing with them when I got home.

Since the weather is so nice, we are planning on taking the kids on a walk over to the park a little later and then out to eat at, where kids under 2 eat free…..(tee hee hee…if it’s free….it’s for me!)

Everyone is napping right now, the hubby is enjoying his rare Saturday off but sawing logs on the couch.  I think I may try to catch a few winks myself.

I am, for the first time in a while, feeling rather contented.  Maybe it’s the yoga, maybe it’s the endorphins, maybe it is the fact that it is in the 60’s here…..who knows….and I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  By the way, who came up with that little gem?  What is “a gift horse” and why exactly shouldn’t I look in it’s mouth?  Someone tell me please!!!