Posts Tagged ‘yoga’

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Oh my GOD!

I took the day off from going to the gym today and decided that I would do this instead…..yeah….how dumb am I?

The kids are cutting their canine teeth, so we have had alternating nights of sleepless screaming babies.  Much fun.  Melissa’s butt looks like a baboon.

But I just got wonderful news……

MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE (FOR GOOD) IN 15 SHORT DAYS!  WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weather here is crappy but at least it is warm….well, warm for March anyway….

Sorry this post isn’t more interesting, but it has been kind of quiet.  Well, except for my husband’s plant catching fire last night….no big deal, no one hurt, no real damage……but that really doesn’t have anything to do with me….

I promise, I will come up with a more interesting post tomorrow…..

The trip to the gym was great!  The kids did great…except for Melissa bonking Daniel in the head with a toy.  But that is kind of par for the course.

Yoga last night was great too.  I felt great when I got home.  The hubby had fed and bathed and bedded the kids.  Wow!  What a great surprise!

This morning, I got up and went to a Mommy Market and the hubby got the kids up and fed and changed them and was playing with them when I got home.

Since the weather is so nice, we are planning on taking the kids on a walk over to the park a little later and then out to eat at, where kids under 2 eat free…..(tee hee hee…if it’s free….it’s for me!)

Everyone is napping right now, the hubby is enjoying his rare Saturday off but sawing logs on the couch.  I think I may try to catch a few winks myself.

I am, for the first time in a while, feeling rather contented.  Maybe it’s the yoga, maybe it’s the endorphins, maybe it is the fact that it is in the 60’s here…..who knows….and I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  By the way, who came up with that little gem?  What is “a gift horse” and why exactly shouldn’t I look in it’s mouth?  Someone tell me please!!!

and Am taking the kids to the gym with me this morning for the first time.  Hopefully (please keep fingers crossed) they will behave and not scream the entire time or bite other children that may be there.  Realistically, I am expecting to bring home kids covered in germs that will probably be sick all weekend. 

My girlfriend, J, joined the gym, so I will have a workout buddy… I just need to convince STBMR (A) to join too.  We could have such a blast.  I don’t know how many calories laughing burns, but we will walk out minus our butts, I’m sure.

And tonight….it’s yoga……yipee!  I do so love my yoga class….and it is not just because I am as flexible as the yogi, or that I am the youngest person in the class, it is just REALLLLLY relaxing.

Have to pack up the monsters and then we will be off……..

I have some better news than yesterday.  The kids seem to be acting just fine today.  They were only up once in the night and the hubby was nice enough to get up with them.  They slept until about 7:45 am today.  When I went in to get them, Melissa had her jammies unzipped and one leg out, and her diaper half off.  This is actually an improvement. 

About three weeks ago, I came up to get them from their nap and Melissa had removed her diaper and lets just say she went digging for gold.  She was rolling the “gold” into tiny nuggets and throwing them at her brother.  She was also scooping the “gold” from her diaper and making a nice pile on the sheet.  She was nice enough to reach down and grab some for me as I was reaching for some wipes.  She had her little fingers bunched up, coated in “gold”. (pardon me whilst I vomit a bit into my mouth).  The hubby told me to take pictures, but really, in all seriousness, would I want someone to photograph my “gold”?  I think not.

I snuck for a little last night after the kids were asleep.  I headed over to my favorite second hand stroe to pick up some yoga pants and shorts.  I also picked up 3 pairs of denim shorts for less than $5 a piece.  They are gap and  So, when I got home, I showed the hubby my finds….what does he say?  You never wore shorts like that before.  They are not daisy dukes or anything, but they are shorts.  My thighs are in shape for the first time in 20 years, heck yeah I am going to show them off this summer.  I thought he could at least be proud of me.  Oh, I also got a pair of holl.ister yoga . sweats, a pair of nik.e yoga pants, and a couple random no name pants / capris all for less than $40.  I am quite proud.

Well, yesterday was just peachy.  I got a ton of stuff accomplished outside of the house, although the inside of the house looks like a FEMA response area.

We (me and the monsters) got up and went to home depot….we got a new ceiling fan for mom and dad’s bedroom as the existing fan is just about the biggest fire hazard in the world.  So…from there, we made the 12 mile drive and dropped the fan off at the house.

I must have been feeling very brave or something….but we went to super wal.mart.  I loaded the kids in to one cart, which I never do and went in to the foyer.  The only “double cart” they had not only was missing a strap, it had a broke connector on the waist band too.  So, being the B*ITCH that I am, I complained to the store manager.  I advised that IF my child fell out of the seat and got hurt, I would sue the crap of of walmart and her, since I had brought the poor conditions of the cart to her attention.  She advised that they had “ordered” new straps and that they should be arriving any time.  Apparently, they do safety audits (cough cough bull*hit)…… Anyway, I got to vent and chew up at 20 some year old manager…which my hubby knows is my favorite thing to do.

I was the Queen of Retail…..I was a Manager.  If you can handle me, you can handle everything.  Because if the mood strikes I will pick you, your product, your service, your food, your attitude, your family, and your car apart.  I am the kind of person that can find a regional manager’s home phone number and call them in the middle of the night to tell him all about what a horrible experience I had in your store and how I may be left with nothing to do but contact the media.

Yeah….I’m a B*ITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

So, After we got home, the kids went down for a nap…and shhhhh….don’t tell… did I.

I had my first live yoga class last night.  I was the youngest person there by at least 15 years.  It wasn’t as advanced as I thought it would be and I realized that I am more flexible than most people.  How cool is that??? So I have 4 more Friday Night dates with the yoga gang,  There was a lot of breathing and meditation but I would have liked more stretching…..oh well….that is what Namaste Yoga is for…I did feel great when I got home.

I want to try to get to the gym today and also over to Trader Joes…..they lave langostino lobsters on sale…..Yummmo!

Well, it was finally a calm weekend around here.  Saturday night was our monthly “Date Night”.  E, our sitter came over at 7 pm Saturday night, the kids were already in their cribs and pretty much crashed out since they took another afternoon nap strike.  We decided that we would go to the same mexican restaurant that we went to last month.  I love this place.  It is small, but they are so nice and the food is the best mexican food I have had in years.

I ordered the enchilladas in red pepper sauce.  It came with rice and beans.  Well, my eyes were much bigger than my stomach and I couldn’t finish my dinner….but it was amazing.  The hubby had tostadas and managed to chip yet another tooth….poor guy….he goes back to the dentist on Wednesday.

After supper, we went to the firehouse for “dance night”.  We haven’t been out for a dance night in ages….since September…..and we had a nice time.  Several of our friends were there and everyone seemed to be a good mood.  I was very well behaved…we got home at midnight to find that the kids had slept right through for E.  I keep telling her that one of these nights, the kids will act up and she will have her hands full.  But so far, they have been angels for her.

Yesterday, we stayed in.  It was a quiet day.  I made pumpkin muffins as a snack for me and the kids.  I also put a roast in the crock pot…..I made homemade gravy and the hubby loved it.  I have to admit it was pretty tasty…..Note: secret ingredients included can of au jus, montreal steak seasoning and some emerils…….

Daniel’s 4th molar is ALMOST through……I sure wish it would just get here so the little guy could get some sleep.  He was up 3 times last night….screaming bloddy murder.

And this morning, the kids were up at 6:30.  I brought them down, fed them and put them in baby jail.  At 8:30, I attempted to do my namaste yoga routine while watching fitTV.  Well, it is really hard to concentrate on your poses and breathing when your daughter is beating the crap put of your son.  After the yoga show was over, there was a “boot camp” workout…..and Melissa decided that she would join right in.  She stood in her toy box and had her arms going like you wouldn’t believe.  It was adorable.

So things here are settling down.  Thank God…..

I cancelled Daniel’s allergist appointment as I just cannot fathom torturing my son with skin tests.  We are going to hold off on that as long as possible.

I promise that I will catch up reading everyone’s blogs….

I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words of support.  The hugs, well wishes and prayers are working……