Archive for the ‘routine’ Category









The Home Depot, Inc.
Image via Wikipedia

So we survived 18 months…..

We didn’t end up doing dinner with Mom and Dad since the kids ended up getting 3 shots at the pediatrician.  Daniel is 30 lbs and Melissa is 27 lbs.  Melissa is 34 1/4″ and Daniel is 34 1/2″ tall.  Melissa is maintaining her 97th + percentile for her height.  What can I say….maybe she will get a basketball scholarship.

Today, I am going to venture to home depot to buy wood for the front garden. We bought a red hydrangea and blue Nikko hydrangeaplants and are giving up on our sickly roses in the front yard.  So, I will drop the kids off with Mom, borrow Dad and off to home depot I will go.

The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend and I really can hardly wait to get the kids out to the park or at least for a nice long walk.  And my sister will be here this weekend…yee ha!

It was a rough night for Melissa overnight.  I think her teethwere really bugging her, so (bad mommy), I brought her in bed with us.  She was really restless and so I am a little tired this morning.  Thank God for good coffee.  I really can’t wait for the teething to be done…..really….enough already!



Enhanced by Zemanta

The trip to the gym was great!  The kids did great…except for Melissa bonking Daniel in the head with a toy.  But that is kind of par for the course.

Yoga last night was great too.  I felt great when I got home.  The hubby had fed and bathed and bedded the kids.  Wow!  What a great surprise!

This morning, I got up and went to a Mommy Market and the hubby got the kids up and fed and changed them and was playing with them when I got home.

Since the weather is so nice, we are planning on taking the kids on a walk over to the park a little later and then out to eat at, where kids under 2 eat free…..(tee hee hee…if it’s free….it’s for me!)

Everyone is napping right now, the hubby is enjoying his rare Saturday off but sawing logs on the couch.  I think I may try to catch a few winks myself.

I am, for the first time in a while, feeling rather contented.  Maybe it’s the yoga, maybe it’s the endorphins, maybe it is the fact that it is in the 60’s here…..who knows….and I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  By the way, who came up with that little gem?  What is “a gift horse” and why exactly shouldn’t I look in it’s mouth?  Someone tell me please!!!

So they kids had their 15 month check up (and yes, I am aware that they are 16 months old).  They got two shots and were little champs about it.  They walked all over the office and at the end, Melissa took my hand and walked out and Daniel took the hubby’s hand and did the same thing.  I think they were showing off….just a little.

So, brace yourselves….I have their stats!!!

Daniel…my little tiny man…who weighed a mere 4.2lbs when he came home from the NICU….

Weight:     29lbs 6oz  (92nd percentile)    Height: 33 inches (90th percentile)

Melissa…my little mouse….who was always just a little bigger than her brother….

Weight: 26 lbs 13oz (90th percentile)      Height: 34 inches (greater than the 97th percentile)

Yeah, so we grow them big here in the Philly suburbs.

Daniel does have to go and get some more blood drawn to rule out food allergies…(gee wouldn’t it have been nice if the pediatrician told me there was a blood test available….I cancelled the allergist appointment anyway….) and she also gave him some new antihistamines and cream from crotch rot…and the office visit was F R E E!  Yes, I love the new insurance that the kids have……so worth $80 per month!!!!

I have heard that if you measure a little girl’s height when she is two, and then double it, it will give you an estimate of how tall she will be full grown……yeah…..she’s almost 3 feet tall now……looks like she and I need to sit down and start discussing basketball…….

Oh….and they both slept the ENTIRE night…no middle of the night bottle.  WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!  And it is going to be 60 here today….so guess who is loading up her giant children and getting the heck out of the house today!


(sorry….I am a little excited)

Mama = having a good day for once!  Yippee for Me!

The last three nights haven’t been too bad.  The kids woke up once and that was it.  Then last night was back to the crazies.  Three separate wake ups.  Maybe it was because of all the excitement yesterday, I don’t know.  I do know that they only got one short nap yesterday and they had bags under their eyes when we put them to bed at 7 last night.

They seem to be in a good mood today.  It is a little chilly out this morning so they are in long pants for the first time in a long time.  Daniel is in 18 month and Melissa is in 12 month.  When my Mom visited last week, we did some shopping at 2nd ave, which is a gigantic thrift store.  All infant and toddler clothes were BOGO free.  We made out like bandits.  It might be tacky to use 2nd hand clothes, but they are growing so fast, I just can’t see spending $20 or $30 on an outfit they will only wear once.  They have all kinds of stuff there (Baby Gap, OshKosh, etc) and the stuff we got was really nice.  I am a thrifty princess…I shop there for a lot of my stuff too.  I’ve gotten Ann Taylor, Gap, Old Navy, Hollister, American Eagle, oh yeah…and a Prada bag.  No, not an imitation, inspired by, knock off Prada…a real Prada, baby!!!!

Daniel is in the jumper and Melissa is in the excersaucer.  They are both “playing” with the “goggies”.  They can say “Dada”, but dogs are “gogs”.  It is really cute.  Daniel was doing a bunch of “whoh”s this morning while Melissa was doing her “mamamamamama” thena bug sigh.  It is so funny.

They are both in serious teething mode.  Those top teeth are working on breaking through.  Do I have the only kids that hate orajel?

In other news, I have my follow up appointment at the OB/GYN office on Friday.  Not sure if they will be placing the mirena then or not.  I sure hope so.  I just want to move on with my life already….  I feel like having a ceremonial bonfire of all my girly products. 

I am having a serious craving for pancakes….I think I will make some and see if the kids are little carb-aholics too….

Everyone who sees me out with the kids ask me how do I do it. I don’t know. I just do it. It’s instinct. They are my kids, I am their Mommy…. I just do everything twice. I don’t know how it would be of we had had only one baby and then had twins afterwards. I would have probably bought a one way ticket to the grin bin, but I am doing it. Somedays, I don’t know how, but I am doing it.

Their schedule is always subject to change but goes something like this:

6-7 am: Wake Mommy up. If it is Melissa, she is quiet for at least the first few minutes unless she is really hungry, then look out!!! If it is Daniel, he is ALWAYS hungry and is not very patient. The kids get changed and fed thanks to our bottle genies. They are by far the best purchase we have made. I don’t know how I could get through the day without them.

The kids generally go back to sleep until around 10 am. We have some tummy time and play on the kicky-kicky. They love this and we are very glad that Grandma and Grandpa bought it for them.

Around noon, the kids eat again. They are taking a mixture of breast milk and formula and will usually take about 7 oz at each feeding.

We try to keep them up during the afternoon so that by the time that bath time (between 8 and 9 pm) rolls around, they are exhausted. We generally feed them their peas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes or green beans around 7:30 pm. If it is bath night, they get topped off with a super bottle (a scoop of rice cereal added in). I know that I’m not supposed to do that, but they love it and they sleep all night.

They are really amazing kids. Daniel is such a ham. He has a great smile and is such a happy baby. Melissa is reserved and shy. She smiles, but she can be a little stingy with them. She is our cuddle bug and will hug you tight during nap time.

We are so proud of them. They are both doing great holding their heads up and now grabbing things and putting them in their mouths. It seems that there have been few or no effects due to their prematurity.

We are blessed. We make a lot of messes. The laundry never ends. I would go on vacation but know that I would miss them terribly. But, WE ARE BLESSED.