Posts Tagged ‘Health’


 psssstttt……spread the word……. it’s giveaway time again!!!

So…now you are asking yourself

“How can I get in on this giveaway?”

Well…it’s simple!

Head on over to Amy’s website and check out her great products…

(And if you become a preferred customer…you get a voucher coupon for $5 off your first order)

Come back here and comment on your favorite product….

The lucky winner will receive:

A bar of Sweet & Sassy All Natural Handmade Soap


Gorgeous pink and black soap, with textured, sparkly pink top!  The scent is sweet, with a background of sandalwood, carmelized sugar and vanilla, yet top notes consist of lime, orange and pink pepper (whatever that is!) with jasmine and violet as well. Bottom line: it’s very feminine and wonderful!!



Another soap of your choice….

These fabulous soap cakes are made with vegetable oils & butters and scented with high quality fragrance or essential oils.  They are formulated to last longer than a regular bar of soap if they are allowed to dry between uses.  Use a nylon shower scrubbie to create lots of bubbles!


A Lip Butter of your choice

Are you “addicted” to your current lip balm?  Does it leave your lips parched, asking for more moisture?  Try our Lip Butter – it melts on your lips, not in your pocket – leaving them hydrated and happy.  Petroleum free.


For extra chances to win…you can

*****Follow Amy on Twitter

*****Follow Amy on her GCSW blog.

*****Follow Me on Twitter (amama2twins)





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it is in the worst of times that we discover who our real friends really are.  Look around you, ask yourself, are these people really my friends?  Or are they friendly to me when it suits them or they need something from me?  This week has taught me that I was living under a false assumption that some people around me were not up to my standard of being called a real friend.  They are the ones who are the first to believe any BS they hear about you without even having the common courtesy to ask you to your face (or even pop you a text message) asking if it is true or not.  I am not a perfect person…not by a long shot.  But when I mess up, I own up to it.  I do not shirk away from the consequences.  My mistakes are the only thing that are really and truly mine alone.  And even when I mess up, I try very hard, not to lose the lesson.  Life is too short to allow people who are only in it for themselves to have free rent in my life.  I am done with them.  At the end of the day, I have to look at ME in the mirror and answer to God….not to them.  I know that I am speaking in very generalized terms here and that is because some people in real life may be offended if I actually got specific.  And I do not want to rock the boat or be the cause of ANYMORE drama around here.

Maybe I set my ideals for what a friendship is too high?  And if I am at fault for that, I can live with it.  Standards….it all about the standards…..even the double standards.

A recent comment was made on here….if you missed it….

Stay strong, we are all human and make mistakes; true friends stick around when the road gets bumpy to help you through it, usually they don’t cause the bumps.  Remember as one door closes a new door with a new opportunity opens.  Just as CAT says “there are greater ones out there to find.”
To my real friends, thank you.  And to the others…..I kind of like this take on it….

Don’t Badmouth
If you and your friend have had a falling out, you may want to “tell your side of the story” to the people she knows. But take the high road for your own sanity and for her dignity. If she has done something terrible, it’s okay to admit that to someone close to you, but don’t go on and on to mutual friends. It will only make you feel worse, and make you look bad besides.

Let Go of the “If”
Often a friendship ends over a specific reason. Such as: she didn’t support your choice of husband, she stole your boyfriend, she was a drama queen, or the two of you simply grew apart. Rather than rehash every past moment and argument, realize that for whatever reason the two of you just can’t be friends right now. Don’t analyze yourself (or her) to the point of making yourself crazy. Sometimes relationships change and end. It’s not fun, but it does happen. Some people are meant to be in your life for a short time. Appreciate the lessons you learned from this person and then silently wish them the best as you move on with your life.

Forgive Your Friend
Sometimes a friend doesn’t have to do anything that terrible, but the fact that you’re no longer pals may make you very upset. Harboring negative feelings about someone who isn’t even in your life anymore is useless. Rather, think of them in a positive light. They may not be in your life anymore, but wish them the best, even if you have to do it silently to yourself. Then put them out of your mind. Forgiving them in this manner will free you up to meet new friendships which may be even better than the last.

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I have been defriended for good. I am half tempted to just say screw off to Facebook.   Oh, and if my life weren’t crappy enough, Daniel started vomiting french fries all over us at midnight.  Yeah, not so fun….

three sheet changes, 4 pajama changes ( 2 for him and 2 for me) and the hubby is home if Melissa decided to join in the fun.  Well, so far, Melissa is fine.  But I have a hubby and son who were up ALL NIGHT LONG.  Can you say messed up circadian rhythm?

I am a mess emotionally.  I don’t want to do anything but curl up in a ball and die.  Having toddlers, well, I can curl up but someone will come over and mimick me….(Melissa aka Mini-Me).

She was playing “hair styling” last night……. don’t laugh too hard at the pictures.  I am pretty sure that she is not Sweeney Todd incarnate.

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Yes, I am still alive.  No, I didn’t take the job.  yes, I am completely obsessed with my wii.  I am the worst blogger ever.

I think about bloggin but am so caught up in what the kids are doing that I never seem to find the time anymore.  I meanm I have to watch the kids like a hawk….they get into EVERYTHING!

The summer flew by, We are into fall…..I love the fall, but it makes it difficult to get the kids outside to let them burn off some energy.  Also, our backyard is a huge mess thanks to my mother driving into our shed.  The hubby and a coouple of halpers tore the shed apart this past weekend and yesterday I paid $450 for someone to haul the debris away.  I only feel alittle ripped off.  We are having another shed built and it should be deivered in the next two weeks.

Rhe kids are good.  Melissa is a chatterbox.  Daniel is vocalizing and occasionally says a word that I can understand.  They are still not the best sleepers……..(am I ever going to get any sleep?).

They are good kids.  They are funny.  Such distinct personalities….but beware of the monkey see monkey do thing.

We also started the potty training thing with Melissa.  She peed in the regular potty once for us……but has yet to go on her pink throne.

I am going to try to write more regularly.  I have lost 15 lbs since the 1st of August (my 35th b-day) and now feel better if I skip a day of training.

I don’t know who is still reading out there….but I am here….I am back….

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And the weather is going to be absolute crap today.  So, the kids are stuck in the house.  Yesterday, we went out to play at least three times and poof…they went to bed without a fuss, and SLEPT ALL NIGHT!  It was great.  I got to sleep in until after 8 am….that in itself is a friggin’ miracle.  There is nothing better than getting to wake up on my own….no noise, no alarm, no hubby (he left for work at 3 am…taking my car, since his wouldn’t start), and then getting the babies up without having to pick up poop everywhere.

I have an appointment to see my GP on Monday night.  He wants to talk about my ppd meds.  I am sure he is going to try to ween me off but I know that I am not ready.  I actually do better and feel better on a higher dose.  I guess I was supposed to go back in December, but I don’t remember him telling me that.  I emailed in a prescription refill request and one of the nurses called back to say he needed to see me.  Okay….so….I will go.  My life is no easier than it was last fall.  As a matter of fact, it may just be more difficult and I have not developed the coping skills to keep everything in check all the time with the twins.

My parents return from Maine on Monday too……..YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I miss them.  My entire family is in Maine right now, and I am stuck here. Boo hoo…….  Maybe next year we will be brave and take the kids. (not likely!)

I am still freecycling like a madwoman….but I am getting rid of lots of stuff.  Oh and I am still Wii-ing.  I love it!  It is my guilty pleasure.

I did get some pictures of the kids yesterday….they are getting so big!!!


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2 kids with viruses.  2 trips to the ER.  Countless loads of poopy laundry.  Hubby with a cold (BIG GIANT WUSS!)….that is pretty much what is keeping me from blogging.  Poop, poop and more poop.

Oh….and my parents are on vacation in  Old Orchard Beach, Maine….until the middle of August.

I turn 35 on Saturday…and I feel like I am pushing 70…..can’t remember the last time I got 8 hours of sleep…..

Oh…and Melissa is in her “I refuse to wear clothing…including a diaper” phase……

I am simply amazed at the efficiency that my children have in completly destroying my house.

Bear with me….I will eventually get this all sorted out and start posting regularly again…..


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Sad Times...
Image by Cesar R. via Flickr

I know that I have been too quiet.  Things around here are just too much for me to handle some days.  The babies are in their “we refuse to be restrained” phase, and are pretty much kicking my butt.  The hubby took yesterday off to give me a little bit of a break.  I really didn’t get one, but it was a nice gesture on his part.

I had a few days where my depression got the best of me.  I hate feeling like that.  It was 48 full, long hours of me in self-loathing, worst mother and person in the world, feeling like I was going to burst in to tears at any moment kind of a thing.  And I didn’t go off my meds or anything.  It just creeped up on me and felt so dark.  And then I woke up, and felt like I could deal with life again.  It has to be hormonal….I don’t know if there is any other way to explain it.

Our garden is pretty much shot.  We have had so much rain that the slugs…ewwwwww….took over and pretty much ate everything.  I got a dew radishes, and a few peas, but the cucumbers, cauliflower, onions, peppers and cilantro are gone.  We might try again.  I don’t know.  I just hate slugs more than anything in the world.  The slugs won!

My parents are back home on Saturday.  That means at least I can have someone to talk to other than the hubby.  It also means that I can drop the kids off for an hour or two and have some me time.  I know, that sounds selfish, but really, the last week and a half without having my parents around has been so difficult.  I didn’t realize how much they really do help me out with the twins.

We were hoping to have a date night this week, but that isn’t going to happen.  Our sitter is busy and I will not make my parents watch the kids after being in the car for 7+ hours.  So, it, like many things in my life, will have to wait.

I guess the only real bright spot is that we have found a home for the frosties.  The family is “ready to go” and maybe everything that happened was for a reason.  I was really upset about the other family.  But this family, well, it seems that all of the stars have aligned.  Oh, and her name is the same as my sister’s…just spelled differently.  Is that weird or what?  My sister’s name is not at all common.

I have a metric ton of laundry to put away while the kids are taking their nap.  I just wanted to let anyone who is still reading know that I am alive and still somehow, by the grace of God, keeping my head above water.

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I meant to say crazy.  I just put up with a 45 minute long temper tantrum from both kids, Daniel broke the wooden holder for the coasters, I superglues it back together, super gluing my fingers to each other and the wooden holder, made potato salad, broke up three hair pulling “incidents”……..

Seriously….I might need to seek professional help…..

Oh yeah, and I getto take a soggy wet dog to get shaved down.  Did I mention that our appointment is at 5pm?  Yeah, so I get to sit in traffic too.

Lucky me.

Yeah, my life is soooo boring.



















But sometimes, they are cute…….not today….but sometimes!

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Yes, I am still alive.

Things are just a little on the crazy side right now.

The hubby’s dad had another stroke, can’t swallow, and keeps pulling out tubes, including his feeding tubes (the surgically placed one directly into his stomach!).  He is at a huge risk of aspiration and / or starving to death.  They are going to try to feed him intravenously, but that in itself has some not so good risks.  At this point, it is time for the family to decide how much longer he is going to be poked and prodded.  It is a sad time for everyone.

The kitchen is finally done…I will get some pictures posted soon.


Sorry for being away…..

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A collection of decorative :en:soaps, commonly...
Image via Wikipedia

stop by over here to enter to win a gift certificate to my favorite online shop Great Cakes Soap Works….

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